Categories: Team Nova MSP

by brg_admin


Categories: Team Nova MSP

by brg_admin


Business Review Group and Team Nova would like to welcome Carmen Garcia Gallo to the team.

Carmen will be fulfilling a risk management and co-ordination role with Joint Project 9101 (Enhanced Defence High Frequency Communications System (EDHFCS) otherwise known as ‘Project Phoenix’.

Carmen has extensive experience in Project Management, Systems Engineering and procurement. She has recently provided advisory services in the complex area of Export Controls to SEA 5000 (Hunter Class Future Frigate Project). Given Carmen’s experience on SEA 5000 she will bring a wealth of risk identification and mitigation strategies to the table to assist JP 9101 deliver critical capabilities to the war fighter

Pictured from L to R: Chris Welch (Nova), Carmen Garcia Gallo (BRG) and Tim Burns (BRG)

BRG supporting Team Downer MSP and JP9347, CASG
BRG supporting Team Nova and Program Management Controls, CASG